Find out why Laura (and her family) drink CraftWater…

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 Comments

Find out why Laura (and her family) drink CraftWater… When I started drinking CraftWater it was to put a healthier drink option in front of my kids….as well as we wanted to support a LaGrange-based business. Now, it does feel like our entire family has consciously decided to avoid soda (I don’t buy it anymore). […]

Sweet Tooth

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 Comments

If you are like most people, it’s time to “quiet your sweet tooth.” Let’s face it, the holidays are about everything sweet and yummy. That can put the sweet tooth into overdrive and leave you with cravings throughout the day. Replacing sugar with something artificially sweetened – doesn’t help. It just fuels the sweet tooth. This is where CraftWater can help. […]

Holiday Season

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017 Comments

Tis the season! Holiday parties and late nights – can be exhausting.   If that’s you, I totally get it. I’m feeling the same way. I’ve found that staying well hydrated helps. CraftWater can help. Cheers to a happy holiday!

You “A Game” This Holiday Season

Thursday, December 14th, 2017 Comments

Let’s face it – parents have to “Bring their A Game” to the holidays!  It doesn’t matter how many holiday parties or late nights you have – you have to be at the top of your game for the entire season. CraftWater is a delicious way to replenish electrolytes that drinking alcohol or not drinking enough water will deplete. Cheers to […]

Something For You!

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 Comments

Tis the season…to be completely focused on others. How do I make my family’s holiday amazing? What is that special gift for each of my children? Well, CraftWater is here for you. A refreshingly healthy break for you.        “I drink CraftWater when I am on my computer. It’s delicious and feels great knowing I’m […]

Do You Need To Drink More Water?

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017 Comments

I hear it all the time, “I need to drink more water.” If that’s you, I totally understand. I felt the same way. Water is so important for us to stay healthy, yet after a couple glasses, I need something more. Unfortunately, most flavored waters are just too sweet. I’ve found that when I drink CraftWater, I drink more water […]

Meet Meredith. Active mom, realtor extraordinaire, and CraftWater drinker. 

Thursday, November 30th, 2017 Comments

Meet Meredith. Active mom, realtor extraordinaire, and CraftWater drinker. “I drink CraftWater after hot yoga to replenish without the sugar! It makes me feel refreshed and healthy. That’s great because I spend my day helping clients find the perfect home.” I’m Meredith. Active mom, realtor extraordinaire, and CraftWater drinker.

CraftWater is the New Hot Holiday Gift!

Monday, November 13th, 2017 Comments

Need a new gift idea for clients, teachers, and colleagues? Skip the candy, gift cards or fruit! Someone already bought it for them. Holiday Shopping Made Easy!

CraftWater was the Healthy Beverage at a Cossitt Avenue School Halloween Party!

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 Comments

CraftWater helped kids at Cossitt Avenue School celebrate Halloween – both as a fun craft and a healthy beverage!

KarmaBox – Healthy Vending – Offers CraftWater!

Sunday, September 24th, 2017 Comments

Healthy vending is a new thing. No more sugary candy bars or calorie filled soda. Think granola, nuts and yes…..CraftWater. CraftWater is refreshingly healthy …. premium hydration! Amazing FLAVORS, No sugar or sweetener, Electrolytes – all good! Find healthy vending at Midtown Athletic Club in Willowbrook. Cheers to being healthy!