As We Head Into Thanksgiving Week…

Saturday, November 17th, 2018 Comments

As we head into Thanksgiving…remember to hydrate. Your body will thank you. 🙂

It’s Chilly Outside!

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 Comments

In winter We tend to go for longer periods without water, not realizing that breathing cold and dry air causes the body to lose significant amounts of fluid. When we perspire in cold weather, the sweat turns into vapor and isn’t directly on our skin, so there is not the excessive perspiration that acts as […]

Kids Get Dehydrated Also…

Thursday, November 8th, 2018 Comments

Did you know kids can have an afternoon slump just like adults? This may be due to dehydration. Craftwater is a tasty way to keep the entire family hydrated and perform at their best. Thanks Liz for sharing your craftwater story.

…If You Couldn’t Fail?

Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 Comments

Have you ever thought about this?

Hello Fall!

Thursday, October 18th, 2018 Comments

Goodbye summer. Hello Fall! Frustrated that your hands are rougher, your skin isn’t as soft and, even your hair isn’t as shiny as they were this summer?  Truth is…as temperatures begin to drop, the air becomes drier and our bodies receive less moisture than they do during warmer months. Major reason? Simple. We tend to stop drinking as much water in the cooler months. […]

Want To Drink More Water? Me Too!

Thursday, October 18th, 2018 Comments

Want to drink more water? Me too! Let’s face it – our bodies need a lot of it – it is so good for us. But I hear it all the time… “After a couple glasses, plain water is – well – plain boring. It’s hard to get in the water I know my body needs.”  […]

Give your day an “Oh Yay!”

Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 Comments

Electrolytes aren’t just for athletes — anymore. They’re important for busy women (and men!) who want to treat their body well. Here’s why. Without electrolytes, you could not move, think, or live. Electrolytes are responsible for directing water (and nutrients) to the areas of the body where its needed most and maintaining optimal fluid balance inside the cells. It’s all really […]

Crisp, Clean, Refreshing.

Friday, July 20th, 2018 Comments

Over and over again….people tell me they’re looking for a better beverage.  They’re done with the sugars – and overly sweetened beverages.  They want crisp, clean, and refreshing. Hello CraftWater. Betsy gives us the scoop on why she drinks CraftWater. You’ll want to see this! CLICK ON THE PIC – IT’S A VIDEO! 

So Good And Refreshing!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018 Comments

So Good and Refreshing. Let’s face it – most of us don’t drink enough water. Amazing thing is water I soooo good for all of us. Need help drinking more water? IMG_2971 2 Try CraftWater.

Want Easy?

Thursday, July 12th, 2018 Comments

Moms and kids love CraftWater!  It’s refreshing and delicious!  Click here! It’s a video! We won’t be at the La Grange Farmers Market today – so order online and we will bring it to you! Refreshing!