Reduce – Or – Eliminate Sweeteners In Our Beverages?

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 Comments

There is a lot of buzz in the beverage industry about reducing sugar in beverages. Everyone is looking for the next best “artificial sweetener.” What I hear from most woman is they want to eliminate sweeteners in beverages all together. That makes sense – they just aren’t good for us. Net-Net: THEY TRICK YOUR TASTE BUDS THEY TRICK YOUR […]

Dehydration Headaches

Saturday, March 17th, 2018 Comments

Click here for the video! Skiers are some of the most dehydrated athletes. Cold air tends to be very dry (even in the Midwest!) and in dry air more fluid is lost as vapor through breathing. Who knew? Dehydration – any time of the year – can cause headaches. Kim knows about migraines when she skis. Meet Kim. Awesome skier, migraine […]

Sunset Foods Celebrated Women Entrepreneurs!

Sunday, March 11th, 2018 Comments

Sunset Foods Libertyville celebrated women entrepreneurs yesterday. What a great recognition of all the women making a difference and doing their thing. CraftWater loved being a part of it.  

Ready to Feel Amazing?

Thursday, March 8th, 2018 Comments

On days when you feel amazing. Do you feel…. Highly energetic? Incredibly productive? Perhaps your skin is glowing? Now think if the opposite. Are you feel fatigued, sluggish, and your skin is dull? Water is Your Best Friend! We all know water is an important part of our diet. Did you know “water makes up […]

CraftWater Helps Midtown Athletic Club Willowbrook Celebrate Their Epic Winter Challenge!

Monday, March 5th, 2018 Comments

CraftWater loves Midtown Athletic Club Willowbrook. We enjoyed being a part of their Epic Winter Challenge celebration!

Skiers Are Typically Very Dehydrated!

Sunday, March 4th, 2018 Comments

Skiers are some of the most dehydrated athletes! Their sweat evaporates quickly. Since it is cold – they don’t feel thirsty. Rehydrate and rejuvenate with CraftWater!

Ready to Rejuvenate?

Monday, February 12th, 2018 Comments

Great hydration helps you rejuvenate whether you’re running around at work, running errands, or running after your kids. Magnesium contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue and reduces lactic acid, which is partly responsible for post-exercise pain. Magnesium is a necessary electrolyte essential for proper hydration. CraftWater contains Magnesium.  Refreshingly delicious. Truly hydrating.  0 sugar. 0 sweetener. 0 carbs. […]

Hydration Cushions Joints

Monday, January 29th, 2018 Comments

Being well hydrated removes toxins. But, what else? Hydration Cushions Joints Hydration is important whether you’re running a marathon or a marathon of errands. … Water helps cushion and lubricate joints, organs, and tissues. Not drinking enough water, exercising and drinking alcohol depletes electrolytes and can cause dehydration. Even when you drink plenty of plain water, if electrolytes aren’t […]

Hydration Removes Toxins

Thursday, January 18th, 2018 Comments

Everyone knows…drink 8 glasses of water a day. But why? Hydration Removes Toxins Your liver is tasked with converting certain toxins, like alcohol, into less harmful compounds that can be removed from your body. Without enough water, your liver can’t function at its best, so you don’t clear toxins as efficiently. Water also keeps toxins out by nourishing your skin. Awesome, I […]

Busy Lifestyle

Thursday, January 11th, 2018 Comments

You’ve tried CraftWater. You like CraftWater! We thank you. We believe your beverage should work for you. It should help support your busy lifestyle.   Perhaps that’s why you drink CraftWater. Because you love how it makes you feel! After all, it’s a delicious way to stay well hydrated. The perfect blend of amazing flavors (of course…no sweetener!) and key […]